Sunday, January 20, 2013

Anonymous ~ Operation Bahrain

- SPECIAL BULLETIN - All Credit Goes To:
[ TARGETS ] - : -
- [INFOSEC] - } ~
Leak, d0x, DDoS ( LT ) And or deface IF and only IF possible
( ).
Attack for these sites will begin on THE coming Monday -
- - -
Attack will take place on:
January 21, 2013

United States
1:00PM Eastern Standard Time
12:00PM Central Standard Time
11:00AM Mountain Standard Time
10:00AM Pacific Standard Time

6:00PM Greenwich Mean Time
7:00PM Paris Local Time
8:00PM Cairo Local Time
9:00PM Arabia Standard Time

January 21, 2013
2:00AM China/Australia Local Time
3:00AM Japanese Local Time
VISIT: Channel: #OpBahrain
Citizens of the world,

We are Anonymous.

For over one year the people of Bahrain have peacefully protested in the streets for freedom, justice, and democracy. They have been met with tear gas, live ammunition, torture, kidnapping and death while the United Nations and countries around the world turn their backs.

People have been imprisoned for the crime of 'advocating human rights.' Citizens whose families have been murdered by the government are arrested, women are raped, tear gas is fired in to homes at night and infants lay dead.

We demand the Bahraini government stop killing its people. We demand they put an end to their Human Rights violations, stop arresting and torturing their citizens, and stop the use of mercenaries against their own people. We demand the immediate release of all human rights activists and all those jailed for political "crimes." We also demand the Qorvis corporation and other American P R firms stop working on behalf of the Bahraini government and stop their active campaigns of disinformation, lies, and harassment of activists.

We will lay waste to your servers, spread the truth about your illegitimate government, show solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Bahrain and expose your crimes against humanity.

To the people of Bahrain, continue protesting. Continue demonstrating peacefully. You have the support of the people of the world and you will have the freedom you deserve.

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not Forgive.
We do not Forget.
Bahrainian Government, Expect Us
NOTE: Operation Bahrain has been, re-engaged due to the purposes of mass violence on mass protests. Due to the toxics being thrown in the air while there is peaceful, non-violent protesting. Journalists, activists and hackers are getting more jail time than rapists, killers, and criminals. Therefore we must act for the Bahrainian people.
UPDATE: We have also gotten word that the famed start model named Kim Kardashian has went in a trip to Bahrain. Why did we brought her up? She has showed the people the light side of Bahrain, she has not shown us; The dark side of Bahrain, the killing and murders of innocents. The rapes of the young. Therefore she has been a target. She calls herself a humanitarium yet she hides the true nature of Bahrain. Bahrain should not be presented in such a disgraceful and disrespected way by this woman.
UPDATE: Kim Kardashian d0x3d ( Information Revealed ) -

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