Sunday, March 31, 2013

Anonymous Germany - Operation Bestandsdatenauskunft #OpBDA

Informationen zur Bestandsdatenauskunft:

Infos, Lulz, Targets, Rampage:
Hashtags: #Bestandsdatenauskunft #OpBDA #BDA #Bestandsdaten


Bürger Deutschlands,

wir sind Anonymous.

Am Donnerstag den 21.03.2013 wurde ein neugeregeltes Gesetz zur Bestandsdatenauskunft vom Bundestag abgesegnet und vom Bundesplenum verabschiedet.
Zukünftig könnte sich so das Bundes Kriminal Amt (BKA) ohne Richtervorbehalt, persönliche Daten von Bürgern über IP Adressen und Telefonnummern durch die Provider zugänglich machen. Nicht nur bei Straftaten sondern auch Ordnungswidrigkeiten kann das BKA über eine Schnittstelle quasi per Knopfdruck, persönliche Daten des Anschlussinhabers abfragen.

Bei diesem Gesetz wurden die Abfragemöglichkeiten nicht begrenzt. Neben Personendaten könnten damit auch Daten wie PIN, PUK oder Email Passwörter vom zuständigen Provider abgefragt werden.

Das Kollektiv Anonymous lässt sich diesen Einschnitt in die Privatsphäre und die damit zusammenhängende Verfassungswidrigkeit gegen den Datenschutz nicht gefallen.
Statistiken der vergangenden Vorratsdatenspeicherung haben gezeigt, dass durch solch eine Datensammelwut nicht mehr Verbrechen aufgeklärt wurden, als ohne Vorratsdatenspeicherung.

Diese schnelle Verabschiedung des Gesetzes zur Bestandsdatenabfrage ist nur ein Verzweifelungsakt der beteiligten Parteien CDU, SPD wie auch die FDP, um die Ablehnung der Vorratsdatenspeicherung durch Bürger und Gerichte, zu kompensieren.

Durch eure Überwachungs- und Datensammelwut, weckt ihr ein Monster, welches ihr nicht besänftigen könnt.

Wir wollen keine Internetpolizei geregelt durch das BKA!

Ihr braucht keine übertriebene Überwachung der Bürger!

Eure Datensammelwut klärt nicht mehr Verbrechen auf!

Es wird Zeit die Überwacher zu überwachen. Ihr solltet uns besser erwarten!

Am 14.04.2013 & 27.04.2013 rufen Parteien wie die Piraten oder auch Vereine wie der AKvorrat dazu auf, gegen dieses Gesetz der Bestandsdatenauskunft, auf die Straße zu gehen. Wir schließen uns diesem Vorhaben natürlich an! Weitere Informationen findet ihr in der Videobeschreibung.

Wir sind Anonymous.
Wir sind Viele.
Wir vergeben nicht.
Wir vergessen nicht.
Erwatet uns!


Anonymous - The Anonymous Messenger

Greetings citizens of the world,

Whether you know it or not, humanity has loss an amazing human. TheAnonMessage is no longer with us, he has passed away. TAM was so much more than a legendary Anon, TAM was a smart human being, he had a great sense of humor, yet was very serious when working on Anonymous operations. He knew exactly how to keep things short and simple without being confusing or uninspiring while getting an important point or message across.

Personally I was privileged to have many wonderful and truly moving conversations with TAM. I will always consider TAM my friend, he was and still is like a brother to me. He wanted humanity to be free, he dreamed of seeing the day when peace would surround the globe, when brothers and sisters would care for one another, when soldiers would lay down their arms and return to their families, leaving the battlefield forever.

Several months ago TAM was kidnapped, afterwords he went on the run in fear for his safety, pledging to return to Anonymous when he could. He died in a world of corruption and hate, yet his legacy and dreams live on in all of us. We have the power to honor TAM's dream and make it a reality! To many have died, technology today can prevent many of the deaths we see in the world. It's our duty to ensure everyone has access to that technology, and we have a duty to create new cures and technology for those that can't be saved by current technologies.

We need to unite for peace, TAM's dream is our dream. This is it, it's time to make a decision humanity! Are you going to continue to sit by while thousands of people like TAM die everyday? We don't simply want peace, we need peace to prevent the senseless deaths of fellow humans all around the planet. Our species is under attack by itself, we are our own biggest threat. Life is something we take for granted much too often, even worse we fail to protect the life of those we see around us. TAM never got to see peace on Earth in his lifetime, however we can ensure no one else dies before seeing that day.

This is your chance humanity, don't let everything TAM and so many others fought for be in vein!

Rest in peace TAM, you were one of a kind on Earth. You helped me when no one else would, I'll forever be in your debt.

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not Forgive,
We do not Forget,
Expect us.


Anonymous - #Operation Rohingya

How to help:

Press Release:


Greetings Citizens of the World.

It is vital the information we are going to share with you is made viral as quickly as possible. The ethnic Rohingya people of Myanmar Burma in Southeast Asia are about to be massacred. Barbarous acts are being carried out by Neo-Nazi racist groups like the Rakhine Nationalities Development Party, Arakan Liberation Army, NaSaKa border police and 969 monks led by Monk Wirathu, the self proclaimed Bin Laden of Buddhism. The Government of Myanmar is orchestrating these crimes.

The persecution of the Rohingya people is severe. The Burmese junta considers them to be sub-human and denies them almost all basic human rights. They are subject to torture, gang rape, starvation, slave labor, and forced to reside in the most dire camps in the world - some call these refugee camps but they are actually concentration camps. Over the past few months, thousands of Rohingya have been encouraged onto boats and sent out to sea with not enough food or fuel, and left there to die. Many boats were attacked and sunk, with women and children on board.

Already the violence in Burma has spread beyond the Rohingya to include all Muslims, with 'warm ups' to the anticipated massacre taking place against Burmese Muslims in Meiktila, Naypyidaw and Yangon. Dead and burning bodies, including children, are now lying in the streets.

While the United States claims to defend human rights, their record clearly reflects a government that will only intercede when their business interests are threatened. While politicians occasionally pay lip service to the horrific conditions in Myanmar no action is ever taken. The only people neglecting the situation in Myanmar worse than the U.S. are the press who consistently ignored these atrocities or reported them as 'ethnic clashes'. We consider the media to be complicit in concealing them from the rest of the world.

The Rohingya have been told to expect a third massacre starting the last week in March. Rakhine have declared they will leave no Rohingya left on the land, just a few left as exhibits for the museum.

The acts of genocide being committed against the Rohingya people must no longer be ignored. We call on the Anonymous collective to stand with those for whom no one else will stand. We call on Anonymous and all supporters of human rights to stand against this great injustice, to give the Rohingya a voice, before they are completely eliminated.

Operation Rohingya engaged.
We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Tyrants of the world, expect us!



Port(s): 6667 -- SSL(6697)
Channel: #OpRohingya

Tweetstorm 24th of March:



Thursday, March 14, 2013

Anonymous - International Day of Privacy 2013 - June the 1st

Hello world - We are Anonymous - you stood in the streets - And spread the word - United as One - We would act again - and Divided by zero -On June the 1st, - and now - remember - the 23th february - WE - Are Legion - do not forgive - do not forget - expect us

International OrganizePAD:
Info Page:

Blog for Germany:

Protest WIKI:

For personal Information Contact: | | | | or Hashtag: #OpBigBrother or Via E-mail:


Server address AnonOPS International
Port: 6697 [SSL]

chans: #indect #indectFR #OpBigBrother
help chans : #opnewblood (US) (FR)

How to organized a Protest?
Poster: &

A German and French Video-Version will follow later :)

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Anonymous - Symbiotic Subsistence #OpELE

Operation ELE:
Symbiotic Sybsistence:

7,000,000,000 People
7,000,000,000 Human Lives
More than you could ever know in a lifetime
Our species has dominated the Earth with our cities
Our communication networks span the globe
We have pierced the heavens and made the sky our domain
Our massive empire brings light to darkness
Derived from common ancestors
Sisters and Brothers
Too many names to remember we have become


We are the manifestation of the human spirit and we are world wide
As diverse as life itself no label can explain us all
But at the core of our being stands a prevailing idea which holds us together
It is the law of every great society
It is the will of every great deity
It is a binding force
The Ultimate Prescription


The Media profits from our pain
They sell us violence and hate
Money and Power
Lust and Ego
But these things do not endure
They are meaningless and fade away with time
Our true message is eternal and can not be forgotten
It is a message of Peace Love and Unity
Solidarity with every Nation
Love for all People

Operation ELE


Follow me on Twitter: @XenonymousBlog