Monday, February 18, 2013

Anonymous - Message to the UK government

Greetings citizens of the world, we are anonymous.

Government of the United Kingdom, It has come to our attention, that despite our continued warnings, you have decided to disregard our requests to assist the people of this country, and have persisted in running a system which only benefits yourselves and the giant corporate bodies operating here.

We have asked politely on many occasions that you change your attitude towards leadership, that you serve the country rather than control it, that you maintain the rights and freedoms of citizens. Instead, you have decided to impose worsening austerity measures upon the people of the UK, increasing taxes for citizens and small businesses, making cuts to our National Health Service, education system, pensions and police force.

You have told the people that the only option out of the financial crisis is to make cuts and have made this humours joke of "we are all in this together", while simultaneously giving tax breaks to the wealthy corporations, enormous bonuses to the bankers who are responsible for the financial crisis in our country, and increasing your own wages.

You have created to system which ensures the poor remain poor, and the wealthy remain wealthy. You continue to infringe on the fundamental rights and freedoms of the people, attempting to gain access to our private and confidential information. It is now very clear to us that you have no intention of running the country for our people, but you will continue to run it to benefit yourselves.

This system has failed us. We now have homeless people dying on the streets this winter, people unable to support their families. People can no longer afford their education; you keep the elderly in work for much longer, keeping jobs and opportunities for younger people out of reach. The number of unemployed has skyrocketed. In response, you force those on benefits into unpaid labour, doing more hours unpaid than those who are properly employed. You add insult to injury, we say enough is enough.

To the UK government, you have made an enemy of Anonymous, you have angered us considerably and we pose a significant threat to you. You disregard the requests of the people and continue to operate for your own selfish gain. Anonymous is not a small group of powerless people to ignore, we are an organised , globally active, collective of like-minded individuals and our message is clear, we declare war on this current system you have imposed on us. Your worst enemy is now your own people. The revolution has begun.

We are anonymous,
We are legion,
We do not forgive,
We do not forget,
Expect us and respect us.


Anonymous - Important Warning

Greetings citizens of the world,

After a great deal of consideration, several Anons have agreed to the creation of this video. For everyone's safety no channels or user names will be listed. Please understand this video would only be made if there was credible evidence to believe people may be in imminent danger. The following is an important warning to all Anons, and to those who seek to end corruption.

Multiple Anons have reported being kidnapped by mysterious men in suits after speaking out against the Illuminati. The original Illuminati were a secret organization founded by Adam Weishaupt on May 1st, 1776 in Bavaria Germany. Adam Weishaupt had an idea of using reeducation to unite humanity under a new world order, free of both government and religion. The Illuminati infiltrated both the Governments and other secret organizations of the time. The Illuminati was disbanded in 1785 after the society was banned by the Bavarian Government.

At least a few of these Anons are well trusted, their claims and eye witness accounts of their separate encounters match up. This has led us to believe the same organization is responsible for each of the kidnappings. It's unclear who's exactly responsible for the kidnappings... Whoever these people are, they have a lot of connections and a lot of power.

It's important to note that all the Anons kidnapped spoke out against the Illuminati directly prior to being kidnapped. The Anons kidnapped reported being drugged and interrogated. They were threatened into taking down their videos & removing their comments directed at the Illuminati. It's possible a government is responsible for the kidnappings and is using the Illuminati as a diversion, however its also possible an organization going by the name "Illuminati" is responsible for the kidnappings.

It can't be ignored that these kidnappings did take place. All we know at this point is the kidnappers wear black suits, drive unmarked vehicles, and appear to be targeting Anons who speak out against the Illuminati. Be assured, the crimes committed by these people will not be forgotten... Justice will come for them.

We are Anonymous,
We are Legion,
We do not Forgive,
We do not Forget,
Expect us!


For further info please contact Worldunitedanonymous

Anonymous - Combating Drones

While the government may be hell bent on watching us at every moment of every day, we are not helpless. There are always ways of fighting back. Let's remind them that 1984 was not an instruction manual.

More info:
DIY RF Jammer:
Stealth Wear:

Download video here:


Greetings citizens of the United States and the world.

In an age of constant video surveillance, we must remain ever vigilant to ensure our rights to privacy. As drones are becoming more and more commonplace, it is essential that we educate and prepare ourselves. Some time ago we released a video on countering surveillance. These however are ineffective against drones. So we've compiled a new list of ways that you can protect yourself from aerial surveillance without the use of projectiles.

Since drones are controlled from afar, they rely on Radio Control Frequencies for operation. And as you may have guessed, an RF Jammer would block the communications to it. Likewise, you can also use GPS jammers or spoofers to block their navigation.

Another method is through a High-energy radio frequency weapon(HERF). These function similarly to an EMP, and can easily be made from the components of a single microwave. However, doing so is highly dangerous. While all of these devices can be purchased or built at home relatively cheap, it is illegal to own or operate them. Surely there are better solutions to avoid the eyes in the sky.

An artist, Adam Harvey, recently released a series of clothing called Stealth Wear that conceals your body temperature from the Infrared cameras of drones. It also features X ray protection and a special pocket for disabling your phones signal. While this ingenious clothing is a must have, it is rather expensive and unlikely to be widely available. But with some thermally reflective cloth, it's entirely possible to make your own.

While the government may be hell bent on watching us at every moment of every day, we are not helpless. There are always ways of fighting back. Let's remind them that 1984 was not an instruction manual.

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not Forgive.
We do not Forget.
Expect us.


DISCLAIMER: This is for informative purposes only. Many of these devices ma be illegal depending on your location. Likewise, it is dangerous to make some of these. You assume all responsibility for anything you choose to do with this knowledge.



AWO - The End of Sabu

0407 finally catches up with Sabu
Stay tuned for Episodes of Anonymous World Order

Want to see more AWO episodes? Check out

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Anonymous - #Operation Bully Takedown | #OpBT

We will not stand by and let bullying continue. We will only do as we say if you bullies ignore us. We do not wish this. Bullies around the word. You have been offically warned to expect us. Spread this awareness around and save those who need help. We are the last resort. You must end this and push with your support. You have been warned Keenan of Ocean Park, Washington. Febuary 18th marks the appearance of the first part of your peronal information if you do not comply with our demands.

We are Anonymous,
We are Legion,
We do not Forgive,
We do not Forget,
Expect Us!


Anonymous - #Operation Kashmir

PR release:
Follow @OpKashmir_ on twitter to keep yourself updated.

This is a call to the Anonymous to express their solidarity with the people of Occupied Kashmir, who after decades of oppression, are now being completely cut-out from the rest of the world.

On February 9, the Indian government executedof Afzal Guru, in connection with 2001 Parliament attack. The question whether he was guilty or not is debatable and the majority of Kashmiris and people from civil rights groups within India and Amnesty International maintain that Afzal wasn't give a fair trail and was hanged to death to satisfy the 'collective conscience' of the Indian society.

This demonstration of differential justice treatment for the Muslim Kashmiris ignited a wave of outrage among the population. In anticipation of this reaction, even before the Indian Home Ministry confirmed that Afzal Guru had been hanged and his family notified, a media blackout and a strict curfew was enforced in almost every part of Kashmir and the internet shutdown. The execution sparked a wave of protests in the region followed by a brutal repression. Many protesters have been injured and three deaths at the hands on Indian forces have been confired and people fear that the toll will rise.

Since the beginning, the media blackout has intensified in parallel to an escalation of the violence toward the protestors. The latest report is that following night protests in Watergaam, an injured youth remains in critical condition. The curfew is planned to remain until Friday. Much can happen to protesters without the eyes of the world on Kashmir to witness their plight. The curfew is still in place as this press release is being written and we have received reports from people in Kashmir that there is a shortage of essential supplies.We asked to all Anons to join us in helping lifting the curfew, and re-establish a media presence and the internet to make sure the Kashmiris are safe from repression and their aspirations are heard by the world.

If you want to help contact @OpKashmir_ on Twitter.

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect Us!



Thursday, February 7, 2013

Anonymous - Operation Traitor Takedown

Alll videos private, except 2 videos
Last post on February 3rd
Target; managing Facebook account


Greetings OfficialAnonymousTV1,

You were warned time and time again, yet you didn't adhere to our warnings... Therefore your channel must be shut down! Since the creation of your channel you have been misusing the name Anonymous, you call yourself the "official Anonymous", yet lack the understanding of the very idea you claim to be part of. It ends now!

Five months ago, August 28, 2012 at 4:25 PM, the YouTube channel WorldUnitedAnonymous posted a video titled "Anonymous - We Stand United", it was a message of knowledge, it spread the idea of peace through example. It was free to the people, for all to share and see. It was an idea that belonged to all of us, the people! No one can claim copyright to that idea, no one can use it for profits!

There is one greedy son of a bitch that tried to though, his name is OfficialAnonymousTV1. He re-uploaded this idea on January 4th, 2013, this would normally be fine and encouraged. The more we share, the more people can find new knowledge. However OfficialAnonymousTV1 didn't understand the purpose or meaning of this idea, he perverted it with a new idea of greed & wealth. He saw an opportunity to steal from the people, and he dove headfirst into a corrupt hole of filth.

OfficialAnonymousTV1 Has stolen every video on his channel and profits off of an idea meant to be free for all by putting advertisements on these videos, which again he did not make. To profit off the idea of Anonymous is bad enough, but to steal other peoples work and profit off free ideas... There's no excuse for that. When you were warned to take the advertisements off the videos, you ignored us. When you were asked to change your name and acknowledge there is no "official Anonymous" you failed to see reason.

So we are left with no other option, your channel must be shut down. You're done stealing other peoples work for profits, your done misusing the name Anonymous, your done spreading disinformation to people. If you were even the slightest bit of a decent person, you would take every penny you've made off these videos and you'd give it to charity at the very least. May your channel rot forever in the blanket of shame you've given it. Operation Traitor Take-Down engaged!

We are Anonymous,
We are Legion,
We do not Forgive,
We do not Forget,
OfficialAnonymousTV1 you were warned to Expect Us!



Saturday, February 2, 2013

Anonymous - #eTHErSEC #OpEpoch

#eTHErSEC #OpEpoch #PM2012 |

Greetings fellow #Anonymous, Occupiers, and curious onlookers..
By now, you've probably heard of Ether Security. We are here to protect you. All of you.

Imagine the current World War as a game of Chess.. If you are on our team, you are a piece in the White setting. This is not your average White side. We have no King, and no Pawns, and many more than the standard number of other pieces.

Imagine the Global Occupy Movement are the Knights, using asymmetrical tactics to strike where unexpected and most effective.

Imagine the various Hacktivist Secs are the Rooks, powering through cyberspace to annihilate anything in their focused path.

Imagine EtherSec are the Bishops, the Spiritual Guides, and Unifying Force, bringing the Love and Lulz to the entire sphere of existence. Do you feel that Heartbeat?

Together, the entire setting is the Queen, the embodiment of the whole setting's power. This Queen is an idea.. We cannot be checkmated, because we have no King. We will not fall to the dooms of tyranny because we do not believe in Pawns.

To put it simply, this is; Operation Evolving People Over Current Hostilities.

Revolution is a phrase to describe the passage from one petty tyranny to another.

This is Evolution.

We are building a World Without Fear. A world of Love. A world of abundance, without Zero-Sum thought, or exploitation of Humanity. Not only for us, or our children, but for our children's children who will be unpoisoned by this unnatural time.

We are Anonymous
We do not forgive
We do not forget
We are here
These are our provocations
These are our Agents
Occupy Earth 2012/13
Expect us


Anonymous - #OpLastResort let's play with the government of the United States

NOTE: We're sorry but the game is not available anymore on or

#OpLastResort - RIP Aaron
let's play with the government of the United States
visit: enter type this; UP,UP,Down,Down,Left,Right,Left,Right, B, A, Enter
Then click ok and play the game the page becomes a playable version of the old Atari game, Asteroids

the game has moved now on backup gaming site

share Facebook, like.

USSC.GOV HACKED!!! --- This time there will be Change or there will be Chaos.
#WarHead1 --- Download Encrypted Files ThePirateBay: --- READ THIS!!!
Create a Video Response --- Tell the US Government how you feel.
Http:// --- Spread this Video to anyone, anywhere, anytime, anyhow --- Reason --- READ THIS!!! --- Join #OpLastResort-TwitterStorm and Help Finish Aarons Work
(Also, Report spam about "Real Warheads" to IRC for removal) --- Download & Mirror some encrypted #WarHead1 files.

We are Anonymous,
We are Legion,
We do not Forgive crimes against humanity,
We do not Forget,
Expect Us!
