Thursday, November 15, 2012

Anonymous - What is INDECT? (It will be that! Don't let it come) [English]

Citizen of Europe,

Our Governments have prepared in secret a new program to follow us without any democracy. This project INDECT will condamn intentions instead of acts.

This is not only data collection that violates privacy.
In reality, only one institutionalized control of our lives is being prepared.
Logically, the overall control of our privacy by national and international authorities will cause in the long term, the disappearance of our society.
Terms like ACTA, INDECT or IPRED are only words.
Passports, account data, profiles of movement and communication are already tracking tools.
The decline of core values​​, that Europe has been phasing in last years, is not only enhanced by developing a security policy.
The true will of the politicians of the European Union, outside as inside its borders, shows that its values ​​are heavily skewed towards the greed of profit and power.
The orientation of the media and entertainment programs ensure the required consent of the population or maintain it self-restraint.
As an objection to that development and in solidarity with:
- The protests in Greece and Spain, the insurrection of the Arab populations,
- The efforts of opposition groups in Russia,
- The efforts of the Iranian green revolution,
- Student protests in Quebec.

As your ancestors achieved before, commit yourself to your rights !
Citizens of the European Union, before diving in a grim era when our governments won't need our consents to know everything about us, our families, our socialising and our habits, let's show them who we really are.
Show them that we are united, and that together we won't fail.

Inform you about INDECT :
Video :

Protest July 28, 2012 in all major European cities.

We are Anonymous
We are legion
We refuse enslavement of peoples
We are fighting for Liberty, everyone's, including yours.
On behalf of democracy, let us all unite !

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