Monday, October 29, 2012

Anonymous - We can Change the World 2012

Since I have gotten such great feedback from my 1st video, and it has been mirrored, tweeted, and shared all over, I made this one. I'm not a hacker, cracker or coder, yet, I am Anonymous. It's about embracing the idea, it's about standing strong for your rights, it's about being active. I do these, to show my support for Anonymous, and to show all of you...that you too can be part of the solution, no matter what role you play. I deleted my other Youtube channels, and social media accounts, regardless of views or subs, and made this one. How come you haven't seen any of my videos? have! ;)

I too, can, and will, use media as a tool of perpetuation. Any video I create, feel free to download, cut, edit, or distribute in any way you desire. All I ask, is that you be decent enough to credit (link) this channel. I will be watching!

I love you all.

You are Anonymous.
You are Legion.
You should not forgive.
You will not forget.
We've been expecting you.

*creator's note*
I'm aware I misspelled 'oppression'. Merely a typo. I work extremely fast, happens. This shit takes so long to render out, you must understand why I say "fuck it."

thx²to Support4Anons

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